Friday, 28 March 2014

Top Dental Symptoms: Jaw Pain or Popping/Clicking in the Jaw

Many things can cause these symptoms, which can make it difficult to diagnose. Possible causes include sinus problems, toothache, arthritis, injury, teeth grinding, gingivitis or problems with your jaw like TMJ. Your dentist will conduct a thorough exam, which may include X-rays, to determine the source of the pain.

Above article from:

A Family Practice 
7764 Armistead Road, Suite 100
Lorton, VA 22079
(703) 635-3400

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Myths About Children's Dental Health #3

#3. My child can brush her own teeth.

Although it may appear that your child can brush his/her own teeth, most likely, they are not getting all the “hard to reach” places. In fact, children do not develop the manual dexterity needed to brush all their teeth on their own until they can write in cursive handwriting. Until then, we recommend allowing your child to brush followed by a thorough brushing by the parent.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Top Dental Symptoms: Toothache

If your mouth or jaw hurt, it could be from a toothache. Toothaches usually indicate a cavity but they can also signal gum disease. In some cases, a toothache is a sign of an abscess or impacted tooth. A toothache should be evaluated by a dentist right away to determine the cause of the problem and prevent the tooth from dying.

Above article from:

A Family Practice 
7764 Armistead Road, Suite 100
Lorton, VA 22079
(703) 635-3400

Myths About Childrens Dental Health #2

2.     My child has cavities because he has soft teeth.

There is no such thing as having “soft teeth.” In fact, enamel (the outer surface of the tooth) is the hardest substance in the body. There are many factors that cause dental decay so it is often difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. We do know that there are three things required to cause tooth decay: bacteria, a diet for the bacteria (sugar!), and a susceptible host (the tooth).

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Myths About Childrens Dental Health #1

1.                 Baby teeth aren’t important. They are just going to fall out

Yes, the tooth fairy will eventually see all 20 of your child’s baby teeth – but your child can be around 13 years of age before then, they serve many important functions in your child’s development. Baby teeth are natural space maintainers for the permanent teeth. If your child loses a baby tooth too early, this could cause crowding of his/her permanent teeth. The health of your child’s baby teeth can also affect the health of their adult teeth. If you leave dental decay in a baby tooth, it could eventually cause your child pain, abscess, swelling, affect the adult tooth developing under the baby tooth, and the infection could even spread to other parts of the child’s body.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

How does pregnancy affect my oral health?

How does pregnancy affect my oral health?
It is a myth that calcium is lost from the mother’s teeth during pregnancy. The calcium your baby needs is provided by your diet, not by your teeth. If dietary calcium is inadequate, however, your body will access this mineral from stores in your bones. An adequate intake of dairy products, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, mustard greens) or the supplements your obstetrician may recommend will help ensure that you get all the calcium you need during your pregnancy.
You may experience some changes in your oral health during pregnancy. The primary changes are due to a surge in hormones – particularly an increase in estrogen and progesterone –- that can cause your gum tissues to exaggerate a normal reaction to plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that covers your teeth. If plaque isn’t removed daily, it can eventually harden into tartar and may increase your risk of gingivitis, a condition with symptoms of red, swollen and tender gums that are more likely to bleed. So-called "pregnancy gingivitis" affects most pregnant women to some degree, and it generally begins to surface as early as the second month. If you already have gingivitis, the condition is likely to worsen during pregnancy. If untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease.
Pregnant women are also at risk for developing pregnancy tumors, inflammatory, non-cancerous growths that develop when swollen gums become irritated. Normally, the tumors are left alone and will usually shrink on their own after the baby’s birth. But if a tumor is uncomfortable and interferes with chewing, brushing or other oral hygiene procedures, the dentist may decide to remove it.
How can I prevent these problems?
You can prevent gingivitis by keeping your teeth clean, especially near the gumline. You should brush with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and after each meal when possible. You should also floss thoroughly each day. If brushing exacerbates morning sickness, rinse your mouth with water or with antiplaque and fluoride mouthwashes. More frequent cleanings from the dentist will reduce gum irritation, help control plaque, prevent gingivitis and decrease the likelihood of pregnancy tumors. Be sure to check your dental benefits, as some Delta Dental benefit plans cover an extra cleaning for pregnant women.

How does my oral health affect my baby’s health?

New research suggests a possible link between gum disease and pre-term, low-birthweight babies. Studies have shown that a pregnant woman with periodontal disease is 7.5 times more at risk for delivering a preterm low-birth-weight baby. Excessive bacteria can enter the bloodstream through your gums. If this happens, the bacteria can travel to the uterus, triggering the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which are suspected to induce premature labor. Though findings are inconclusive and further research is needed, we do know preventive dental care during pregnancy improves oral health and overall health and is safe for both mother and child. It is estimated that between 60 and 70 percent of all pregnant women have some form of gingivitis or periodontal disease (mild to severe gum disease.) It is imperative for pregnant moms to keep on top of their oral hygiene and overall oral health throughout their pregnancy to reduce the chances of gingivitis and severe periodontal disease from developing. This is of particular importance for those women who have a family history of periodontal disease, as studies have shown that this can run in families.
Are there any dental procedures I should avoid?
Elective procedures that can be postponed should be delayed until after the baby's birth. But non-emergency procedures generally can be performed throughout pregnancy, with the best time for any dental treatment being the fourth through six months. Women with dental emergencies that create severe pain can be treated during any trimester, but your obstetrician should be consulted during emergencies that require anesthesia or prescribed medications.  The American Dental Association recommends avoiding routine or elective x-rays during pregnancy.
When should I see my dentist?
If you're planning to become pregnant or suspect you're pregnant, you should see a dentist right away. Otherwise, you should schedule a checkup in your first trimester to determine whether you need a cleaning. Your dentist will assess your oral condition and map out a dental plan for the rest of your pregnancy. A visit to the dentist also is recommended in the second trimester for a cleaning, to monitor changes and to gauge the effectiveness of your oral hygiene. Depending on the patient, another appointment may be scheduled early in the third trimester, but these appointments should be kept as brief as possible.
If you notice any changes in your mouth during pregnancy, see your dentist. Dental experts say it is important not to overlook oral health care during pregnancy. Your oral health is an important part of your overall health, and good dental hygiene habits not only help prevent oral problems during pregnancy, they may also positively affect the health of your unborn child.